Thursday, April 23, 2015

Who has witnessed?

          Mali has had a history of missionaries come through the country, however most of the missionaries have either been Muslim, or if they were Christian, they did not associate well with the people of Mali and were distant from the Malian people. Islamic missions is a major part of their religion just like it is in Christianity, and from the looks of the religious make up of Mali, the Islam community is doing a tremendously better job in Mali than the Christians are. According to the Alliance organization, “less than 1 percent of the Malian people follow Jesus” ( This is a very sad number and should be disturbing to Christians and should break our hearts that so many people in the country of Mali are lost and going to hell. However, there are some Christian missionaries in Mali that are spreading the gospel, but they are being met with adversity and hostility.
          One missionary family that my home church supports is the Beckley family. I had the privilege to meet them over Christmas when they were in America on furlough. Ken and Sarah Beckley are the parents and they have four sons, Marc, Andrew, Benjamin, and Stephen. They have been missionaries in Mali for many years, but because of threats to their family from some Islamic radical groups, they moved to the nearby country of Benin. The church that they had started in Mali is still active and meets in secret to keep the members safe. The Islamic community does not like Christian coming into Mali because that causes people to turn away from their religion and it is starting to threaten the control that Islam has in the country of Mali. It was incredible to talk to this family and see how much peace they had about living over there and how even though their lives are in danger quite often, they are trusting God to keep them safe and they have no fear. Pray for the Beckley family as they continue to live in Benin, but are hopeful to go back into Mali soon to continue their work in the wonderful country of Mali.


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